School has started! Am I happy about it? Not particularlly. I am happy that I am furthering my education and finishing what I started ( for those who don't know I had started the 2 year LPN program and took a year off to stay home with Porter for his first year ). I am not happy however to be leaving Porter everyday. The first day was definetly the hardest. Dropped him off at my mom's and shed a few tears on the way to my first class. Porter was FANTASTIC while I was gone, which made me feel so much better. And my classes are interesting, so that I am sure will help speed the process along.
Now I must try to remember all that I learned the first year I was there. I felt a little lost this week as they were using terms I hadn't heard in a while. I did remember some things!! YAY me!
I also was able to meet some new people and make some friends, that is always fun!
I'm sure I will have an emotional rollercoaster of blogs over the next year due to school.
On a DIFFERENT note, I had totally neglected my posting duties this summer. Tiny bit of guilt there...
We had an awesome summer! Lots of playing outside, Swimming, and naps in random places. Our dog Winnie also had pups in July, that was so much fun. Porter just loved playing with the puppies! Porter turned 1 just a few weeks ago! He is growing up so fast. His personality is developing and it is so fun to watch. He is so smart, which may also be to my down fall in the future. ha ha
My goal is to get better at my blogging, wish me LUCK!
Hey T!! You'll do great!! It's only one year right? Good luck and we need to hang out soon! Miss you all!